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Solo Piano
While I am not a pianist, I enjoy writing for the instrument. Like many composers, I rely on expert performer-friends to help with idiomatic writing. I would like to thank Mark Mazullo and Keith Teepen specifically for their help.
Andante Misterioso (1999)
Chords for Mom (2009)
Four Homages (2015) Video
1. Bartok
2. Sibelius
3. Copland
4. Gershwin
Fugue and Chorale (1997)
Nocturne in Winter (2021)
Sophie Goes Up in a Balloon (4-hands) (2006) Video
Three Band Names (2001)
1. Urban Raft
2. Foot-Long Hand Listen
3. The Brambles
Fugue & ChoraleMark Mazullo
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