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One of my primary loves is writing vocal music. I love working with text, and with living poets. Many of the pieces below feature words by Merie Kirby, my main collaborator and my lovely wife.


Arise, My Love (1996) for a SATB a capella

Text from the Song of Solomon

By the Fireside (2008) for SATB chorus & chamber orchestra, with optional African drums

Texts by Odia Ofeimun, Ingrid de Kok, and from the Latin Requiem Mass

Instrumentation: 2* 2 2 2, 2 2 0 0, timp+1, strings

Duration: 17:00

(also available in a chamber version for SATB chorus, oboe, cello & piano)

December Carol (1999) for SATB chorus & piano (or harp)

Text by Merie Kirby




From the Reeds (2002) for SATB chorus & chamber orchestra

Texts from the Rig Veda, Langston Hughes, Rumi, and Hildegard of Bingen

Instr.: 1(doubles picc. & alto flute), 1 1 1, 2 0 0 0, timp+1, pno, strings

Duration: 20:00

The Hagseed's Isle (1992) for TTBB chorus & cello

Text by William Shakespeare (from The Tempest)

Hold On (Pueblo Blessing) (2018) for SAB chorus & piano

Homesteading (2014) for SATB a capella

Text by Joyce Sutphen




Song of the Worms (1994) for SATB chorus & piano

Text by Margaret Atwood

Thy Name Is Love (2007) for SATB, piano & flute

Text by Charles Wesley

You Spotted Snakes (2003) for SATB chorus & piano

Text by William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)


December CarolMahtomedi High School Choirs
00:00 / 02:44
HomesteadingUND Concert Choir
00:00 / 05:17
You Spotted SnakesFirst Readings Project
00:00 / 04:35

Solo Vocal

December Carol (1997) voice & piano

Text by Merie Kirby





Four Translations (1997) soprano & viola

1. Prelude

2, Now No One Will Listen to Songs (Anna Akhmatova)

3. Instructions for Crossing the Border (Dan Pagis)

4. An Appendix to the Vision of Peace (Yehuda Amichai)

Hens--Their Diseases and Cure (2003) soprano & guitar (also available            for soprano & piano)

Text by Nancy Luce

Introduction, Remedies, Birds, Epitaphs, Prayer







I Send My Song Into the World (2006) voice & piano

Text by Merie Kirby

A Minnesota Timetable (2013) mezzo-soprano & guitar

1. Lying in a Hammock (James Wright)

2. Platting, Roseville Township        Video

3. Apple Season (Joyce Sutphen)

4. Letter to Mother and Father (Albert Parker)

5. A Timetable, for the Redcaps

6. A Little Poem About the Rain (John Engman)

7. Lying in a Hammock (reprise)







Solstice Lullaby (1998) voice & piano

Text by Merie Kirby





Stand Up Three: Songs About Baseball (1994) baritone & piano

1. From Altitude, the Diamonds (Richard Hugo)

2. Pitcher (Robert Francis)

3. Late Innings (Neal Bowers)

This City (1997) soprano & piano

Text by Merie Kirby



December CarolKristi Bergland, soprano; Sarah Lockwood, piano
00:00 / 02:30
Solstice LullabyKristi Bergland, soprano; Sarah Lockwood, piano
00:00 / 02:25
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